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Производство промышленного энергетического оборудования

C.suite среда программирования

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C.suite среда программирования
C.suite среда программированияВ наличии
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+375 (17) 399-56-55
  • +375 (44) 548-58-43
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  • +375 (44) 548-58-43
  • +375 (29) 688-48-17

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возврат товара в течение 14 дней по договоренности

The new programming suite for the c.pCO family controllers.
Completely upgraded compared to 1Tool, designed as a suite of interdependent modules, one for each stage in the development of HVAC/R units or systems. 
c.suite allows a team of professionals with different skills to work in a group on the same project, increasing the efficiency of each team member. The application program is developed in logically independent parts by different professionals, each of which is provided with a different software tool. 

c.strategy module
It allows the creation of thermodynamic algorithms. It ensures Total independence of the regulation logic from the hardware and the devices connected in the network. It supports IEC 61131 standard languages (ST, FBD, SFC, Ladder) and 32-bit data types, including REAL numbers (floating point). It features “Debug on target” functionality, i.e. possibility to debug the algorithm in real time as it is running on the controller (via USB or Ethernet port). 

c.mask module
The interface developer can work in a specific environment used only for creating the user interface. c.mask can be linked to the c.strategy project, so that any changes made by the algorithm expert are available in real-time to the UI designer. 

c.design module
It allows to configure type of and size of controller, I/O configuration, communication protocols, default parameters, data loggers. For each c.strategy/c.mask project, multiple configurations can be saved in c.design and then activated as desired when uploading to the controller.

c.factory module
A completely new tool designed for the OEM production line. It is used to program the controllers in the production flow, loading applications and the appropriate unit configuration on assembly. It has been designed to be integrated into the automated IT processes commonly used on production lines, can be controlled by command line, associating it to a barcode reader.

Производитель Carel
Страна производительИталия
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